Laura talks the Holy Grail of skin care.

Lauren Jacobs, Aesthetic and Peri-Operative R.N., CoolSculpt Specialist at TCSC

Hello to all you summer babies, you sun worshippers, you cottage goers!

Do you remember Baz Luhrmann? Allow me to enlighten you if not. In 1999, he released a song to that year’s graduating classes with some life advice. It started out like this:

Ladies and gentlemen of the class of ’99,
Wear sunscreen.

If I could offer you only one tip for the future,
Sunscreen would be it.
The long term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists […]

Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth,
oh nevermind;
you will not understand the power and beauty of your youth until they have faded.
But trust me, in 20 years you’ll look back at photos of yourself
and recall in a way you can’t grasp now how much possibility lay before
you and how fabulous you really looked…

-Everybody’s Free, Baz Luhrmann

He continues on with tips and tricks for life, but his opening message is definitely his focus. How often have you heard your parents, your doctor, and beauty experts alike, telling you to wear sunscreen? Well, I’m here to tell you how often I hear patients who visit us for skin care in Waterloo saying they wish they had.

I know, I know, in the summertime, the living is supposed to be easy! Sunscreen and skincare can seem hard when you’re focused on the warm-weather fun you have planned for those precious few months. But don’t let your skin take a back seat this summer. I’m going to just come out and be the broken record that you’re expecting and say it: sunscreen is the most important thing you can do for your skin, especially this time of year. 

The Shortcut to Beautiful Skin

Aren’t we always looking for the shortcut to beautiful skin? The answer really is sunscreen. It’s the perfect anti-aging tool. But, because it’s slow acting, we don’t necessarily see instant results. It’s easy to see ourselves now — bronzed, sun-kissed, and beautiful — and have a difficult time imagining our skin any different 20 years in the future. But we treat tons of patients every year who worry about:

  • Unsightly sunspots that have formed on their faces
  • Uneven skin tones and textures
  • Skin cancers that need surgical removal

Then they know that there really is something to it.

Combination Products Make It Easy

Don’t want to load up your skin with creams and serums in this warm weather? Neither do we, it’s hot and humid enough out there. Never mind that you don’t want to waste time in front of your mirror when you could be enjoying the great outdoors! Opt for a tinted mineral sunscreen (some even come with a built-in moisturizer). This combines multiple products into one to minimize layers and application time. You’ll be protected from harmful UVA/UVB radiation with the zinc oxide (no skin cancer for you, thank you very much), and it doubles as a makeup primer to even out your skin tone! It’s a winning solution, and we have lots of options in stock for you in the Clinic from the brands you already know and love: TiZO®, glo Skin Beauty®, SkinMedica®, and Obagi®.

We don’t want you to look back in 20 years and regret your choices. Prove Baz Luhrmann wrong. Protect your skin to look great now⁠—and look great later. You can thank us then. To learn more about our skincare products and services, contact us online or call (519) 746-1132 to schedule an appointment.

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