VISIA®Complexion Analysis

VISIA coverThrough VISIA's in-depth analysis of your individual facial characteristics, it is possible to benefit from rejuvenation and skin care programs planned for your specific complexion.

Identify your skin's condition – both surface & subsurface

The VISIA system's multi-spectral imaging and analysis provides a clear, multi-dimensional portrait of the individual aspects of your complexion which contribute to your overall appearance. From measures of features such as texture and wrinkles to identifying sun damage, VISIA provides the most comprehensive means available for identifying all aspects of your complexion's health.

Plan an individualized program based on your specific results

With VISIA's precise imaging of all areas affecting your complexion, your skin care professional can present the optimal rejuvenation options for your unique combination of facial characteristics.

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Renew & maintain facial vitality for lasting complexion health

Based on your complexion profile, your facial rejuvenation program will also include specific recommendations for ongoing skin care health. VISIA imaging is an invaluable aid in monitoring our complexion's vitality and checking effectiveness of your skin care regimen over time.

VISIA provides a breakthrough for complexion renewal & maintenance

Your complexion is the window through which your image is projected to the world. VISIA Complexion Analysis provides the information necessary for truly individualized facial rejuvenation and skin care regimens matched to your unique complexion profile.

Multi-spectral imaging and analysis for optimal results

VISIA coverA VISIA imaging session uses multi-spectral imaging and analysis to capture key visual information for eight areas affecting complexion health and appearance: spots, wrinkles, color variation in the skin tone, pores, sun damage, subsurface pigmentation, vascular conditions, and porphyrins (evidence of bacteria in pores). Additionally, VISIA provides an informative comparison of your complexion's characteristics to others of your same age and skin type. The Cosmetic Surgery Clinic's skin care professionals use this comprehensive information to plan the treatments and regimens which are optimal for you. VISIA's summary report provides a clear overview of your facial skin condition with your Advanced Skin Care Consultant's recommendations.

Facial rejuvenation planning based on your unique complexion profile

VISIA imaging and analysis provide your skin care professional with the comprehensive data needed for a rejuvenation plan and skin care based on your specific complexion requirements.

Financing Options


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Your VISIA analysis is the first step to achieving optimal skin renewal and the truly individualized care needed to maintain your complexion's most radiant health.

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Financing Options


We understand living on a budget. Check out our convenient financing options for qualifying patients.

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The talented, experienced plastic surgeons at our Kitchener-Waterloo clinic have the advanced training to create exceptional, natural-looking results that meet the individual needs of our patients. The collaborative nature of our practice benefits patients in many ways.

Dr. Robert Shenker Dr. Stephanie Ma

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