Our favourites for the fellas in our lives.
Great skin isn’t just a girl thing. After all, the effects of aging, sun damage, and lifestyle factors don’t discriminate. But for some reason, there seems to be a shortage of information about what works best for men’s specific skincare concerns. Whether it’s exfoliation, a closer shave, aging concerns like wrinkles and fine lines, or sun protection, we’ve got you covered, gentlemen.
Because men deserve great skin too, here are a few of our favourite—and most popular—skincare products for men.
SkinMedica® AHA/BHA Cream.
We recommend this medical-grade daily exfoliating moisturizer for men to use all the time because of all the shaving they do! Using SkinMedica’s AHA/BHA Cream will promote and maintain smoother skin, and help prevent ingrown hairs, acne, clogged pores and more.
SkinMedica® Lytera 2.0 Pigment Correcting Serum.
This product is a hit with everyone, men included! Lytera 2.0 Pigment Correcting Serum is gentle, non-irritating, and works to correct stubborn hyperpigmentation (excessively darkened spots) and improves skin texture and tone, resulting in healthy, more youthful skin. Guys–consider this your anti-aging problem solver!
TIZO® 3 Facial Mineral Sunscreen SPF 40.
Men need sun protection too, and they shouldn’t shy away when they see the word “tinted”, especially if they suffer from acne or rosacea. The tinted formulation of this mineral sunscreen evens out skin tone from redness, and most importantly, protects skin from UVA/UVB damage. Dr. Shenker uses it daily, summer and winter!
SkinMedica® HA5® Rejuvenating Hydrator.
Just like women, as men age, the amount of Hyaluronic Acid (HA)—the body’s natural hydrator—in their skin decreases. This lightweight product supports the skin’s ability to replenish HA, keeping skin hydrated. You can think of it as providing a photo-filter finish, smoothing out visible lines and wrinkles.
Whether you’re a young man, an older man, or a woman who cares about a particular man’s skin, if you want more information about skincare, schedule a consultation today. Our team would be happy to help you establish an effective, easy-to-follow skincare routine.