Breast Lift: Why it’s worth it.

breast reduction, mastopexy, breast rejuvenation, cosmetic surgery

Breast rejuvenation with mastopexy.

Most women don’t hesitate to treat themselves to a new lipstick shade or an afternoon in their hairstylist’s chair. Doing these small things to care for ourselves comes easily, but when it comes to tackling the concerns that require more research and investment, women often hold back. This is especially true when it comes to procedures like a breast lift.

Time and life events can be unkind to the position and volume of the breasts. Since a woman’s breasts play a major role in body image, these changes can have a detrimental impact. So why do so many women put off this procedure that can rejuvenate their breasts and renew their body image? There can be several factors that inhibit women from opting for a cosmetic surgery procedure, some of which may include:

  • Feeling they are not worth it.
  • The possibility that they will be unhappy with the results of their surgery.
  • The time and additional support needed for the recovery process.
  • The cost.

At the Cosmetic Surgery Clinic, our experienced, certified plastic surgeons understand and sympathize with these concerns. However, we have witnessed time and again how life-changing surgery can be for individuals who are ready for it.

In order to reassure our patients, and guide them in their cosmetic surgery journey, we take the time to discuss their goals and explain all of the options available to them. For instance, a breast lift can be performed with augmentation using a breast implant as desired, or a lift with a fat transfer procedure can be performed for patients who prefer a smaller, more strategically placed volume restoration. The time we take to match aesthetic goals with each individual’s unique anatomy helps us to achieve gorgeous outcomes.

Budgetary limitations may hinder patients from pursuing their chosen surgery. In response to this concern, The Cosmetic Surgery Clinic patients have the option of financing their procedure through MediCard, a Canadian patient financing company that provides convenient terms for monthly payments.

Our team is with you every step of the way on your cosmetic journey, providing you with the resources and support you need to enjoy a positive surgical experience from start to finish. So if some of the aforementioned concerns have stopped you from pursuing a breast lift, we invite you to take that first step to learn about your options. It may be simpler than you think. Call (519) 746-1132 or email [email protected] to arrange your appointment today.

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