What to consider when considering breast augmentation.

Dr. Ma and Dr. Shenker standing back to back with their arms crossed happily

Too small. Too big. Too saggy. Lopsided. Not sexy enough. Whatever the concern, your decision to have a breast augmentation is a big one and should be researched thoroughly. So, what should you consider when deciding on breast augmentation? Here we demystify three of the most critical aspects of your breast enhancement decision to help make your experience a little more about the fun!


The big question. From itty-bitty to supernatural, size can be the driving force behind your decision to consider breast augmentation. The choice of your final size should be carefully considered with your surgeon. Our team can even guide you through your sizing decision using state-of-the-art 3D enhancement technology ~ see just what you’d look like with any size of breast! Our patients LOVE this feature.

When it comes to increasing your breast size, there are several factors to consider:

  • Your natural frame, height, weight, shoulder width and hip width
  • Your current breast tissue volume
  • Your personality; are you a subtle or ‘in the spotlight’ kind of person?
  • Your regular activity level, to ensure your breast size doesn’t interfere

Look through before and after photos to find examples of the size and shape that most appeal to you. Implants of the same size may look completely different on two different body types, so look for photos that match your build.

Breast augmentation should be a fun decision ~ life changing in a very positive way. Ultimately, choose a size that you will be happy and proud of for years to come. If a size change is needed in the future, it can usually be done quite safely and easily. After all, size does matter…..right?

Implant Type.

Silicone or saline? Anatomically shaped, or round? There are several options to choose from when it comes to selecting the perfect implant. No two beautiful bodies are alike and so implants have evolved to suit a great number of body types, preferences and styles.

First, you have the option of saline or silicone gel. Saline implants may be less popular these days, but may still be recommended for certain types of women with certain types of breasts. Silicone gel implants are the newest option available and are meant to more closely imitate the texture and consistency of a natural breast.

Shape is another important consideration. Round or anatomic (teardrop) shaped implants are available. The round implant is perfectly symmetrical, offering the same breast volume on top as the bottom. The teardrop shaped anatomic implant has greater projection and fullness at the bottom of the breast, often offering a more natural look. Shaped implants are often best in women with some natural ‘sag’, commonly seen after childbirth and breastfeeding.


Here’s the medical jargon. Implants can be placed either under the pectoralis major muscle (subpectoral) or on top of the muscle, under the breast tissue (subglandular). There are several factors to consider when determining the ideal placement of your implant.

The advantages of submuscular placement include:

  • A more natural look
  • A more natural feel
  • If saline implants are your implant of choice, rippling can be less evident
  • The possibility of easier mammography breast imaging

The disadvantages of submuscular placement include:

  • There is a greater risk of reversible visual distortion to the implants when the chest muscles are flexed, known as implant “animation.”

In addition to placement, your incision location is another important consideration. Depending on the implant size and type, you and your surgeon can decide together which incision would best suit you. Incision location options include inframammary (under the breast), peri-areolar (under the nipple) or trans-axillary (in the arm-pit).

The most important decision of all when deciding on breast augmentation is your choice of surgeon. Your surgeon should be highly qualified and trained, with extensive experience in the type of surgery you’re considering. Your surgeon should work in a safe, accredited facility and his team of surgical colleagues, anesthesiologists and nurses should be experienced and dedicated.

All surgeries come with some form of risk; your surgeon should explain these to you to allow you to make an informed decision.

Augmentation could be the ‘breast’ decision you’ve ever made. Come see us for a comprehensive consultation with our surgical team to see if breast augmentation is right for you.

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