How Selfies are driving the Millennial Botox® trend.

Dr. Ma and Dr. Shenker standing back to back with their arms crossed happily

For some, taking a selfie is a daily ritual; the fact that the camera can be unforgiving may correlate to the rise in injectable treatments—such as BOTOX COSMETIC®—and dermal fillers for the Millennial demographic*. When compiling what is essentially a portrait diary, the aging changes that can begin as early as 25 are difficult to ignore.

Taking preventative skin maintenance measures is generally a great idea, but it is important to note that the odd bad-angle selfie is being compared to images that are often airbrushed to perfection. That being said, our online identities are under increased scrutiny, so it only makes sense that non-invasive treatments such as neuromodulators, fillers, microdermabrasion and fractionated lasers have become more commonplace. The ultimate goal, however, is to ensure the results are flattering and natural looking: achieving that ‘everyone will notice, but no one will know’ effect.

At The Cosmetic Surgery Clinic, we are sensitive to this aspiration, and it guides our approach to treatment.

>We make it our goal to educate our patients on the best medical-grade skin care practices to keep themselves looking their best at every age, with or without further in-office procedures.

>When it comes to injectable treatments, our expert injectors—like our Beauty Nurse™ team—have an exceptional eye for balance, symmetry and harmony when working with each patient’s unique features and aesthetic goals.

>Our roster of treatments covers an entire range of non-invasive, micro-invasive and surgical solutions to address a variety of aesthetic and functional concerns for both the face and body.

In other words, we have the aesthetic needs of Millennials, Baby Boomers and beyond covered.  

Curious to know what preventative or corrective measures you could benefit from? We welcome you to book in for a professional, private consultation. Contact us today to arrange your visit.


*as cited by The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery

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