A lash enhancement treatment for healthy, long and full eyelashes.
It’s a fact: when lashes are longer, darker and fuller, they make our eyes look beautiful. It’s also one of the simplest ways to take years off our appearance. For those who are not genetically blessed with Bambi’s flutter, there’s a safe and proven way to enhance eyelashes without the need for time-consuming, and often damaging lash extensions.
Introducing Latisse®.
A quick nightly swipe of this treatment along your lash line will yield the natural lashes of your dreams in a matter of weeks. How is this possible? Latisse contains a medicinal ingredient that prolongs the growth phase of the eyelash hair. This allows the lashes to grow longer and last longer in their healthiest state, resulting in a voluminous and deeply hued set that some may mistake for falsies.
It’s a simple solution to sparse lashes, and we can assure you, it’s not too good to be true. As the treatment is only available with the guidance of a physician, you’ll need to visit us at the clinic to get yours. Swing by or contact us to learn more.