Male chest reduction: it’s about time.

Model man in suite and tie staring into camera

A simple male breast reduction surgery to correct gynecomastia.

As Dr. Shenker has shared in his New Year blog post, many Kitchener-Waterloo, Cambridge and Southern Ontario patients agonize over the decision to pursue surgery, and often their one regret after surgery is that they didn’t do it sooner.

Men are often the worst offenders. They routinely delay booking treatments that can improve their lives. Why? Simple: There is still a sense that cosmetic treatments are only acceptable for women to pursue, not men. Fortunately, as Dylan said, “the times they are a changing”! Today, more than ever, men feel comfortable seeking out treatments to enhance their body image.

If you’re a guy with a fatty, drooping, feminine looking chest, there’s no time like the present to take action and feel better about your physical appearance!

Gynecomastia: A common male concern.

Gynecomastia is a common concern that is characterised by excess breast and fat tissue located behind the nipple and spreading across the chest. For men who have this condition, they may feel ashamed and make a point of avoiding exposing their chest at the beach or in the locker room.

Our very own Dr. Shenker is a passionate advocate for male breast reduction; having undergone the procedure himself, he understands how life changing it can be. Learn more about his experience here.

Gynecomastia surgery is done as an outpatient, and the recovery is lightning fast. Many men go back to their normal activities within one or two days after their surgery. Strenuous activities or physically demanding jobs can be resumed within three to six weeks post-procedure.

With this condition, diet and exercise can have little impact on reducing the excess breast and fat tissue. If you’re concerned with an overdeveloped chest, male breast reduction surgery is THE most effective solution. We’re here to help: contact us to arrange a surgical consultation with Dr. Shenker today.

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