What you need to know about gynecomastia surgery
Is gynecomastia right for me?
We live in a culture where men are not immune to the immense pressure we all feel to look a certain way. For some of us, aesthetic concerns like male breasts keep us from fully enjoying our lives or our bodies. We often see men at our Waterloo clinic who come to us looking for a lasting solution for male breasts, “man boobs,” or excess fatty tissue on the chest. It’s a commonly experienced concern –– so if you’re looking for a solution, you’re not alone.
Choose an experienced surgeon for your gynecomastia
Dr. Shenker is an expert gynecomastia surgeon, with a surgical process that has been perfected by performing countless successful gynecomastia surgeries. That’s why we often see out-of-towners at our Waterloo clinic; news travels fast. Regardless of where you have your procedure, choose a Royal College certified plastic surgeon with a wealth of experience, education, and evidence of happy patients. Ask for examples of successful procedures and read through your surgeon’s bio to establish a sense of their expertise.
One advantage of letting Dr. Shenker take care of your gynecomastia concerns is that he’ll know exactly how you feel. Why is that? Because Dr. Shenker himself underwent this procedure a number of years ago. Click here to read the blog he wrote about his own experience undergoing this transformative surgery.
Watch Dr. Robert Shenker’s interview with CTV News in our Media Center to learn more about gynecomastia.
What is gynecomastia?
Gynecomastia is the presence of excessively large breasts on a man. Sometimes the excess volume is fat, and sometimes it’s glandular breast tissue. Most of the time, it’s a mix of both. Unless there is an underlying endocrine (hormonal) problem, it is usually not a serious medical condition. For most men, gynecomastia is a cosmetic concern.
It can be difficult or impossible to target and improve this area of fat or gland density without surgical intervention. Even though gynecomastia usually isn’t a cause for medical concern, it can be a source of embarrassment or frustration for men who experience it. Most men describe being uncomfortable wearing a tight T shirt, or embarrassment when shirtless at the beach or the pool, or during intimate encounters. Luckily, surgery can provide a lasting solution.
Why do I have excess fat tissue on my chest?
There are a variety of reasons that men experience male breasts or excess fat tissue on their chest area. Hormonal changes during puberty can trigger the growth of male breast tissue; for many men this tissue dissipates after puberty but can remain into adulthood. Aside from puberty, other causes of gynecomastia can include weight gain, steroid use, and genetic factors.
How do I know if I have gynecomastia?
If you’ve noticed excess fat tissue or a firm noticeable nodule on your chest area around your nipples, come see us for a consultation. You can do a self-exam at home, but you’re likely already aware of a noticeable, soft mound or circular area of tissue underneath your areola or the appearance of male breasts. Many men notice these concerns most when they’re at work, in a swimsuit, or in an intimate setting. If you have a hard or immoveable mound under your nipple area, you should also see your doctor for an exam to rule out male breast cancer as a concern.
Should I get gynecomastia surgery?
Stop feeling embarrassed and self conscious about male breasts. The solution is simple, and effective, and available at The Cosmetic Surgery Clinic. Do you have questions? Looking to get started? Book a consultation and let’s discuss the possibilities for you.