The low-down on hyperpigmentation.

Dr. Ma and Dr. Shenker standing back to back with their arms crossed happily

Hyperpigmentation. You’ve likely heard this term, which can be defined as the darkening of an area of skin caused by increased melanin. Essentially, hyperpigmentation gets in the way of beautiful, even, clear skin – aggravating, isn’t it? Thankfully there are ways to reduce pigmentation to get you your glow back.

There are four different types of hyperpigmentation:



Melasma is a blotchy, brownish skin discolouration that often gets worse with sun exposure. Because it frequently becomes more noticeable in pregnant women, it’s also referred to as “pregnancy mask.” Melasma typically appears on the upper cheeks, forehead, upper lip and chin, most commonly in women between the ages of 20 and 50. Causes of melasma are linked to sun exposure, synthetic hormones such as birth control pills and natural hormones related to pregnancy.

Treatment for melasma includes salicylic, lactic or glycolic acid peels and Forever Young BBL™ Photorejuventation. Forever Young BBL™ is the only device that has been shown to change the expression of genes associated with aging, longevity, and increased lifespan.


Also referred to as ‘age spots’ or ‘liver spots’, these small dark discolouration spots often surface on the face, chest and hands and are a result of sun damage. This form of hyperpigmentation is usually delayed evidence of sun damage to the skin from years earlier.

While the clock cannot be turned back on past sun indiscretions, sunspots can be treated effectively with retinol, Forever Young BBL™ Photorejuvantion and Profractional Laser treatments. ProFractional™ Laser uses a laser microbeam to treat thousands of pinpoint areas of your skin. Because only a fraction of the skin is directly treated with the laser, healing time is quick and downtime is short.

Post-inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH).

Acne is annoying, but it’s even more bothersome when its evidence lingers as hyperpigmentation. Usually found on the face in the form of red, pink or brown flat spots, PIH is often the result of long-term inflammatory acne.

Treatments for post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation include SilkPeel® Microdermabrasion and Forever Young BBL™ Photorejuvenation.


Freckles can be cute and a welcome part of your appearance. With repeated sun exposure and sun damage, however, the number of freckles can increase on the face, chest, arms and shoulders, resulting in a muddled complexion.

Treatment for freckles can be achieved using ProFractional™ Laser.

You don’t have to put up with hyperpigmentation. With several treatment options available, a beautiful, clear, glowing complexion can be yours. Contact us to book a consultation for your hyperpigmentation to find out which treatment is best suited to your skin’s unique needs. Request an appointment online with us today.

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