The right tool for fat reduction – attain your ideal shape with CoolSculpting®.

Dr. Ma and Dr. Shenker standing back to back with their arms crossed happily

Problem areas: they’re something that most of us have and struggle to correct. Up until recently, the most effective option to treat these areas of unwanted fat was liposuction. However, this surgical solution may have been off the table for those who don’t relish the thought of going under the knife and the ensuing recovery.

The evolution of non-invasive body sculpting technologies has led to the development of various devices that have primarily used heat delivered into the subcutaneous layer of the skin via radio frequency wavelengths to shrink and destroy fat cells. While these methods have yielded moderate success rates, the results that can be achieved are somewhat underwhelming. And when it comes to fat reduction, subtle changes are not really what we’re aiming for.

CoolSculpting® – The game changer.

Who knew the next innovation in non-invasive fat reduction would be inspired by popsicles?
Scientific researchers at Harvard University discovered that cold had a unique effect on fat when they noticed that some children got dimples from eating popsicles. The observation that cold could eliminate fat without any invasive or damaging effect to the surrounding tissues led to the revolutionary approach of Cryolipolysis®, the science behind the fat reduction technology known as CoolSculpting®.

Another ‘cool’ thing that sets this body-sculpting device apart is its versatility. It can selectively target and destroy unwanted fat from a wide range of areas on the body, where other devices cannot. Typical trouble zones that are treated such as the stomach and flanks (affectionately know as the love handles) yield noticeable improvements with little to no downtime. In addition to these common areas of concern, the thighs can be trimmed down and the ever-annoying bra bulge on the upper back can be addressed.

This all sounds quite easy, perhaps too easy – and you may still want to lose those inches the old fashioned way. What sets CoolSculpting® apart from traditional weight loss is that the fat cells are forever destroyed, whereas when you lose weight through diet and exercise the fat cells shrink in size but remain in place. This explains why those stubborn spots refuse to budge despite your dedication to a healthy lifestyle.

The good news is, you haven’t been doing anything wrong – so you can take a load off and stop struggling. It’s no longer a losing battle when you have the right tools. CoolSculpting® offers a way for you to achieve your aesthetic goals without a lengthy recovery period or surgical scars.

Whatever your ‘problem’ area, we’re here to help you address it. To learn more about CoolSculpting® and to see if it’s right for you, The Cosmetic Surgery Clinic welcomes you to book in for a consultation today.

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