This is the key to reducing wrinkles.

Dr. Ma and Dr. Shenker standing back to back with their arms crossed happily

Introducing the HA5 Rejuvenating Hydrator from SkinMedica®.

It is clinically proven that poorly hydrated skin has more wrinkles. This fact makes it all the more shocking that so many of us don’t go the extra mile to keep our skin as hydrated as possible.

People often believe that drinking plenty of water will do the trick; we hate to break the bad news, but this healthy habit doesn’t do a lot to improve the hydration of your skin. The reasons for this are:

  • Much of the water that we ingest is used for elimination and other functions in the body. Very little of it ends up hydrating the skin, and what does remains in the lower levels of the skin.
  • As we age, the barrier function of our skin that prevents moisture from escaping begins to falter. This means that the moisture our skin contains is not retained as effectively, thus making it predisposed to dehydration.

For these reasons, integrating serums that are rich in plant ceramides and humectants such as hyaluronic acid (HA) into your routine is so important.

What is Hyaluronic acid (HA)?

Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a glycosaminoglycan that is naturally produced by the skin. It maintains the hydration of the skin cells as well as the integrity of collagen and elastin fibres that keep our skin plump and firm.

What should I do to replenish my skin?

Unlike moisturizers, which merely prevent dryness, hydrators are concentrated treatments that promote overall epidermal health, supporting the skin’s natural ability to replenish HA and maintain hydration.

The Cosmetic Surgery Clinic recommends the HA5 Rejuvenating Hydrator from SkinMedica® to provide immediate smoothing of fine lines and wrinkles. Daily use of this pharmaceutical strength formula supports the skin’s natural ability to replenish its own hyaluronic acid (HA) for overall skin health.

Hydrated skin looks and feels smooth, and has a radiant, luminous quality. Combining your healthy hydration habits with this treatment will help preserve the youthfulness of your skin for years to come. To learn more about the HA5 Rejuvenating Hydrator, we invite you to contact us or to visit the clinic today.

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