What it takes to stay on top.

Dr. Ma and Dr. Shenker standing back to back with their arms crossed happily

From the desk of Dr. Robert Shenker.

Do you remember when you were a kid and one day you suddenly realized that you grew?  All of a sudden you could reach the doorbell, or the cookie jar on the kitchen shelf. Your dad’s best hat on the high hook was no longer too high, and your mom’s best bottle of perfume, tucked away on a shelf in the bathroom, could be yours whenever you wanted. Remember the excitement? There was a world of new possibilities now before you.

I had that feeling again today –  because the Cosmetic Surgery Clinic grew as my team and I spent the day training on our brand new Thermi radiofrequency device.

I will get to the details of what exactly Thermi does in a minute, but for now let me share the excitement of learning to use new technologies and learn new clinical procedures more than 11 years into my career. 

After completing medical school, surgical trainees spend about five to seven years training. They then graduate and think they know it all- they have honed their skills and can’t wait to get to work- or at least I couldn’t.

Sadly, it doesn’t take long to realize that what is learned in residency training programs is a drop in the bucket of surgical knowledge. Good surgeons spend the rest of their careers doing the procedures they learned as residents. Great surgeons use those procedures as stepping stones- adding new skills and new techniques to the repertoire is what keeps surgeons sharp and patients happy.  

Today, when I look at my practice, I realize that, while I still rely heavily on the principles and basic techniques I learned as a resident, the actual operations I do now bear little or no resemblance to what I learned all those years ago as a resident. Today, each new technique or new operation I learn refreshes the joy and fascination I felt the first time I touched a patient or picked up a scalpel all those years ago. Learning Thermi today fanned that flame yet again; it is a feeling that never gets old, and never fails to re-ignite my passion for my glorious job.

So, what about the Thermi Treatments? Plastic surgeons have long dreamed about ways to tighten skin and other body tissues non-surgically. Now we can- with Thermi.

 Check it out here and contact us to learn more.

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