What makes TCSC so special? Part 2

The Cosmetic Surgery Clinic, Dr. Robert Shenker

Part 2 of our series dives deeper into what sets our clinic apart.

The Cosmetic Surgery Clinic, Drainless Tummy TuckHi, I’m Dr. Robert Shenker!
Welcome to Part 2 of a new series, in which we’ll be giving you an in-depth look at what sets The Cosmetic Surgery Clinic apart.

Last time, we told you the story of how our clinic began more than 40 years ago, and outlined the importance of our in-house, full time team.

Let’s take a look at some more unique qualifications and traits that we’re proud of  here at The Cosmetic Surgery Clinic.

We are singularly qualified.

Our team brings decades of experience, a wealth of knowledge, and a warm approach to every one of our patients and our procedures. At any given moment of a patient’s treatment with us, they have over 100 years of combined clinical experience taking care of them. What do I mean by this? Consider the example of a typical surgical patient. I started doing surgery 23 years ago. Our beloved anesthesiologist Dr. Nicholas has about 40 years of clinical experience. Ange, our operating room manager and our circulating nurse has been taking care of surgical patients for about 20 years– as has Patti, our scrub nurse. Whether Adrienne or Lauren is a recovery room nurse, you can add another  20 years of patient care experience. So do the math: Any surgical patient who comes under our care gets over 120 years of collective patient care experience when we are taking care of them!

All of that patient care experience means that at the  Cosmetic Surgery Clinic we don’t see each patient as just their aesthetic concern, or as just another operation. Instead, we listen to your stories, your questions, and your worries. We try to understand your concerns, hopes, and yes–your fears. Who are you? How can we understand you in a way that  brings you real solutions? What are your goals, and how can we exceed them? 

When we hire someone new for our team at The Cosmetic Surgery Clinic, we only hire the most qualified individuals, who truly care about their patients. That’s why we’re able to maintain an environment that lets all of our patients feel truly at home when they walk through our doors. 

Nothing makes us happier than a happy patient!

The best part of our job is seeing how happy our patients are– not only their results, but with their whole experience with us. We know that we’re lucky, too. We have the best patients, who communicate their gratitude with little surprises; most days of the week we receive letters, gifts, treats, and cards from patients remarking on how happy they are not just with their results, but  their overall experience with us. Building a community where our patients know they can count on us to understand their concerns means the world to us.

We are a certified Independent Health Facility (IHF).

The Independent Health Facilities Act was proclaimed by the Ontario Government in 1990, and established a small number of certified facilities for the provision of OHIP procedures in a freestanding, out-of-hospital setting. Essentially, IHF facilities are like small satellite hospitals. The Cosmetic Surgery Clinic has held an IHF license for decades. While it is true that IHF designation only applies to our OHIP procedures–like breast reductions and skin cancer surgeries–we apply the stringent standards set by the Ministry of Health to each and every procedure we do. 

There are only nine plastic surgery IHF facilities in all of Ontario, and we are proud to be one of them.  

We know how to innovate.

This past year brought a unique set of challenges for our patients and for every clinic across North America, and the world. Luckily, we’re no stranger to innovation and change. Our team is constantly learning by attending conferences, reading studies, taking part in panel discussions or lectures, and educating peers on important advancements and changes in Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery practices. While we honour our roots, we are always at the forefront of the newest technology, informed on the latest trend, and consistent in our ability to stay ahead of the curve.

We prioritize safety above all else.

We care about great results. Our patient experience means the world to us. Maintaining a clinic that innovates, grows, and invests in our patients matters to us. But from day one, my team and I have always maintained that our patient’s safety is our highest priority. When a new clinic starts, it’s easy to be distracted by new technologies, the growth of the clinic, or implementing a social media presence. But for us, the most essential tenet of our practice is that you are always safe and taken care of. This has always mattered to me most as a person and as a Surgeon. Twenty-seven years after starting medical school, I stand by that commitment. 

During the initial outbreak of COVID-19, we saw many clinics pushing to open early or to challenge the necessary protocols. For us, this was a great chance to show our patients that we’re here to protect them by adhering to all the suggested protocols.  We’re so happy to have reopened, and continue to uphold our commitment to safety.

Come see us today!

We’d love to schedule a consultation and begin a new relationship with you.
See for yourself why our patients trust us with every detail.

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