It might seem premature to begin thinking about the holidays in early fall, but the days, weeks and months inevitably slip by in a flash. Then all too soon, your office Christmas party is suddenly upon you and you’re looking in the mirror to find a harried and perhaps tired looking version of yourself staring back. Not this year! Right?
So how do you avoid this experience? We have your holiday beauty maintenance guide here at the ready. Read it through and pick and choose what works for you. Then schedule it in. Not next week, not tomorrow, but today. Trust us, come December 1st, you’ll be so glad you did.
We’ve chosen these four core treatments to treat and correct skin tone, skin texture, wrinkles, fine lines and facial volume. They tick off all the boxes for revealing the most rested and rejuvenated version of yourself. To top it all off, they are non-invasive and require little to no downtime and recovery, which as we know is a must to maintain one’s sanity in the busy season ahead.
The little details can make a big difference.
The skin experts at The Cosmetic Surgery Clinic will never leave you hanging when it comes to skincare advice. To put the finishing touches on your treatment, you’ll want to schedule time for a skincare assessment and glo minerals makeup lesson.
Just as we change our clothing to adapt to the changing climate, our skin and makeup routines should follow suit: your skin will need more nourishment from plant ceramics and ingredients like hyaluronic acid over the fall and winter months. This is also an opportune time to decide on your signature holiday look and purchase skincare quality mineral cosmetics that support and prolong the results of your pre-holiday treatments.
This key step in your holiday beauty guide will serve you well into the New Year.