Breast Augmentation Photos

Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.

Before Case 282 After
Before After

Case 282

This healthy 37-year-old woman was unhappy with the size and fullness of her breasts and wanted a larger, fuller look.  A breast augmentation with the added fat grafting is referred to as a "Composite Augmentation". She had breast implant surgery using 240 gram silicone impla...
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Before Case 321 After
Before After

Case 321

This healthy 35-year-old mother was unhappy with the changes to her breasts after having her children and wanted a larger, fuller look.  She had breast implant surgery using 365 gram silicone implants, placed in a pocket below the muscle through a short incision in the infra-mammary fold....
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Before Case 382 After
Before After

Case 382

This 28-year-old mother was unhappy with the size, lack of fullness and sagging appearance of her breasts and was looking to have larger, fuller, perkier breasts.  She had breast implants surgery as well as a mastopexy (breast lift).  The implants (345 gram silicone gel) gave he...
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Before Case 444 After
Before After

Case 444

This active 33-year-old mother was unhappy with the size and contour of her breasts and wanted breast implants for a larger, fuller look.  She had breast implant surgery using 275 gram silicone implants placed in a pocket above the muscle, under the glandular tissue through a short incisi...
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Before Case 227 After
Before After

Case 227

This 39-year-old mother was unhappy with the size and contour of her breasts and wanted breast implants for a larger, fuller look to eliminate the appearance of drooping and add to the dimension that she was looking for.  She had breast implant surgery using 310 gram silicone implants placed...
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Before Case 380 After
Before After

Case 380

This healthy 39-year-old woman was unhappy with the small size and sagging appearance of her breasts and wanted a larger, fuller look.  She had breast implant surgery using 310 gram silicone implants, placed in a pocket below the muscle through a short incision in the infra-mammary fold....
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Before Case 300 After
Before After

Case 300

This healthy 25-year-old woman was unhappy with the size and contour of her breasts and wanted breast implants for a larger, fuller look.  She had breast implant surgery using 385 gram silicone implants placed in a pocket above the muscle, under the glandular tissue through a short incisi...
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Before Case 104 After
Before After

Case 104

This active 32-year-old mother desired more natural volume to her breasts.  She was fortunate enough to maintain her shape after having her children but wanted to increase her size to fit her athletic figure.  She decided to visit us at The Cosmetic Surgery Clinic in Waterloo to explore...
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Before Case 313 After
Before After

Case 313

This healthy 32-year-old mother was unhappy with the size and contour of her breasts and wanted breast implants for a larger, fuller look. Although she wanted to be bigger, she still wanted to be as close to natural looking as possible by not going too big. She had breast implant surgery using...
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Before Case 269 After
Before After

Case 269

This healthy 38-year-old woman was unhappy with the size and contour of her breasts and wanted breast implants for a larger, fuller look. Although she wanted to be bigger, she still wanted to be as close to natural looking as possible by not going too big. She had breast implant surgery using...
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Meet Our Surgeons

The talented, experienced plastic surgeons at our Kitchener-Waterloo clinic have the advanced training to create exceptional, natural-looking results that meet the individual needs of our patients. The collaborative nature of our practice benefits patients in many ways.

Dr. Robert Shenker Dr. Stephanie Ma
The Cosmetic Surgery Clinic