ProFractional™ Laser skin resurfacing. Heard of it? If your answer is ‘no’, it’s your lucky day! Let’s talk about what it is, why it’s great and how it can help you look and feel your best.
We all age, that’s a given. But how we age differs among all of us. The speed at which our skin loses volume and elasticity and develops lines and wrinkles happens differently for all of us. But why? Other than genetic disposition, the most important contributor to visible skin aging is sun damage. Most of us just didn’t use sun protection they we should have when we were younger. Regret won’t restore your youthful, healthy skin…but ProFractional™ Laser treatments can.
What is it?
ProFractional™ is a quick and comfortable laser treatment with downtime measured in hours and days, not weeks and months like old-school lasers. It uses laser energy to create thousands of microscopic channels in the skin, surrounded by areas of healthy and untreated skin. The untreated areas jumpstart the body’s natural healing process, while the treated areas stimulate the body’s natural production of collagen. The combination of both actions plump up the skin to reduce lines and wrinkles and smooth the skin to rid it of scars, discolouration and other irregularities.
Who can benefit?
We’ve all got sun damage to some degree. Everyone can benefit from ProFractional™ treatments, either as a preventive treatment for skin that is not yet showing signs of damage but will down the road, or as a corrective measure to help rid the skin of already visible issues.
ProFractional™ treatments can improve a wide variety of skin conditions including:
- Wrinkles and fine lines
- Scars (post-traumatic or acne related)
- Age spots
- Sun spots
- Freckles
- Hyperpigmentation (such as rosacea)
- Discolouration
- Aging and sun-damaged skin
The most popular treatment areas include the face, neck, chest and hands: areas that are typically subject to the highest amount of sun exposure. A series of one to four treatments, spaced three to six weeks apart is typically suggested. Come meet with us and a personalized treatment plan will be developed for you, based on your specific needs.
It’s not often in life we get a ‘do-over’, but thanks to ProFractional™ laser treatments, you can have one with your skin. Contact us to book your consultation and find out how being proactive with ProFractional™ can be your skin’s ‘mulligan’.
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