Labiaplasty, colloquially referred to as “a designer vagina”, is an operation that removes excess tissue and reshapes the vagina to improve symmetry and balance.
In recent years, we have seen a surge in demand for this surgery at our Kitchener-Waterloo clinic, and in the field of plastic surgery in general. Our patients are uniformly happy and have no regrets. But the procedure, while very popular, is not free from controversy.
The controversy.
Why has labiaplasty become more popular in recent years? Research has indicated that increased societal exposure to pornography may have played a role in influencing both men and women’s concept of what a normal and attractive vulva looks like, thus contributing to the rise in demand for labiaplasty in recent years.
An alternative perspective to this point is that within the same timeframe, women’s health issues have become less taboo. Therefore, women who have suffered in silence with the discomfort of enlarged labia or the challenges of incontinence and loss of sensation after childbirth, are now more aware of their treatment options.
Lastly, there is a concern that the removal of excess tissue to achieve an aesthetic goal can impair sensitivity, and therefore reduce sexual sensation.
When contemplating plastic surgery of any kind, there are many factors to weigh and consider during the research process. We are here to answer all of your questions, explain your options, and help you make the decision that’s right for you.
A common experience.
For many women of all ages, this most intimate and private part of their body can be a source of pain and discomfort when they encounter pressure, friction and pulling of their excess labia tissue. At times, they may encounter rashes and cysts from friction, or hygiene problems that arise from trapped moisture.
Additionally, for mothers who have given birth vaginally, the physical strain of childbirth can leave the tissues of the vagina stretched and loose, thus contributing to incontinence and a loss of sensation.
In situations where these kinds of functional difficulties exist, the decision to pursue labiaplasty is not necessarily motivated by an aesthetic ideal, but rather by the desire to improve quality of life.
Our approach.
At the Cosmetic Surgery Clinic, key members of our plastic surgery team are women, who have an intimate understanding of this subject. For some patients, being able to work with a female surgeon for this procedure is appreciated.
Whether you are unhappy with the appearance of your vulva, or you are encountering functional issues, we work closely with you to understand your needs and develop a treatment plan to achieve your goals. Once your initial research is done, the next step is to book a consultation to see if labiaplasty is right for you.
You can arrange an appointment with one of our highly skilled and experienced plastic surgeons by emailing [email protected]
or calling
(519) 746-1132 today.