
Dr. Ma and Dr. Shenker standing back to back with their arms crossed happily

Liposuction and plastic surgery on London Ontario, The Cosmetic Surgery Clinic.Where does liposuction stand in the era of non-invasive fat reduction?

In this new era of non-surgical fat reduction, such as Coolsculpting, patients in Kitchener-Waterloo, London, Cambridge and Southern Ontario, may be wondering if liposuction has gone the way of the dodo. At The Cosmetic Surgery Clinic, we can tell you, it’s still alive and well! According to The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, 2016 saw over 400,000 liposuction procedures completed, making it the most popular surgical procedure in America, for both men and women, for the 4th year running.

Why opt for liposuction?

Liposuction is still the most precise way a plastic surgeon can remove fat from under the skin. And while there are many instances where surgical liposuction is no longer the only viable option for effective fat reduction, there are circumstances where liposuction will still be the method of choice in order to achieve ideal outcomes.

One of the main selling features for liposuction is it’s precision. A skilled surgeon is able to tailor the amount of fatty tissue that needs to be removed to achieve the patient’s goals as the surgery is being performed. Meaning you only have to go through the experience once to achieve the final results you are looking for. The results of liposuction are noticeable in the treated area within a week after surgery, but the final cosmetic result will be achieved approximately 3 months after surgery.

The results of liposuction can be life-long, if you maintain your postoperative weight. If you gain a few pounds, you may find that the weight is distributed more evenly instead of accumulating in the areas that were problematic for you in the past.

Liposuction vs CoolSculpting–which is right for you?

If you’ve struggled and failed to eliminate areas of stubborn fat through diet and exercise, and you want to know if liposuction or non-surgical fat reduction like Coolsculpting, is right for you, book a consultation with us. Contact us today to arrange an appointment.

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