Arm Lift (Brachioplasty)

An arm lift, otherwise known as brachioplasty, at The Cosmetic Surgery Clinic in Kitchener-Waterloo can remove the excess skin and fat from the upper arms, leaving them with a more pleasing and youthful contour. As a person ages, upper arm skin can become loose and flabby. The incision extends from the elbow to the underarm, and sometimes on to the side of the chest. In some instances, the surgeon may recommend that liposuction be used alone or in conjunction with an arm lift to remove excess fat in the arms.

Men and women considering arm lift surgery travel from Guelph, Cambridge, Windsor, and London, Ontario, to The Cosmetic Surgery Clinic. Request a consultation online to meet with one of our surgeons, or call our office at (519) 746-1132 to schedule an appointment.

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Am I good candidate for upper arm lift?

Arm lift surgery can be performed on a large variety of patients. The majority of patients present with excel skin and fat in their upper arms and complain that their arms feel and look like "bat wings". Some older women who have extra skin that is bothersome and desire a better arm contour are potential candidates.

Arm Lift Standard Procedure Techniques

For patients who have minimal upper arm fat excess, with no skin excess, liposuction alone can be effective. For patients that have some extra skin that is minimal in nature and is located near the armpit, an improvement can be attained through a scar limited to the arm pit. For patients who present with a lot of upper arm excess, as in the case of most weight loss patients, tissue must be removed through a scar that runs from the elbow, through the arm pit, and onto the side of the chest.

Arm Lift Before & After Photos

Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary.
  • Arm Lift case #636
    Arm Lift case #636

    Case #636

    This healthy 40-year-old woman was unhappy with the appearance that the excess skin and fatty tissue of her arms. She underwent our standard liposuction procedure (all done through a 7 mm incisi... View Case 

  • Arm Lift case #27
    Arm Lift case #27

    Case #27

    This patient was frustrated with the loose skin remaining on her arms after losing a significant amount of weight.  No amount of exercising and toning could make it better, so she opted f... View Case 

  • Arm Lift case #567
    Arm Lift case #567

    Case #567

    This 66-year-old woman was unhappy with the contour of her upper arms as a result of the excess skin laxity in those areas. She underwent a brachioplasty which is a surgical procedure that remov... View Case 


If you are a smoker, it is recommended that you stop smoking well in advance of the surgery. Smoking can affect your ability to heal. Certain medications that increase the risk of bleeding such as aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications, and some vitamins/homeopathic regimens should be discontinued prior to arm lift surgery.

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Arm Lift Benefits/Advantages/Options

  • Reduction in upper arm excess
  • Better self image/confidence
  • Being able to wear short sleeve clothing without being self conscious

Arm Lift Risks/Complications/Patient Safety

  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Unattractive scarring
  • Swelling of the hands
  • Seroma formation (seromas are fluid collections that can arise after surgery along the incision line)

Financing Options


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Arm Lift Recovery Process

  • Wrap the arms or use compression garments
  • The arms are elevated for a few days, above the heart
  • Slow return of normal function of the arms and hands over a couple of weeks

You should avoid aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications for the first few days after your arm lift surgery. Smoking and exposure to second-hand smoke may impair the healing process and should be avoided.

Financing Options


We understand living on a budget. Check out our convenient financing options for qualifying patients.

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Will arm lift surgery be painful?

Postoperative pain is subjective and will vary considerably from person to person. The average patient undergoing an upper arm reduction procedure will usually require a few days of oral pain medication to treat discomfort. Over a 7 to 10 day period most people resolve the majority of their acute postoperative pain.

Will there be scarring with arm lift surgery?

Upper arm reduction involves the removal of skin and necessitates the creation of a scar that starts near the elbow, traverses to the armpit, and often crosses onto the chest wall. Any scar goes through a maturation process, which takes at least year to complete. Most scars are conspicuous, at least initially. The placement of the upper arm reduction scar could be on the inner arm so that it is not visible when the patient's arm is by their side.

What are some typical short-term side effects of having an arm lift?

Immediately after surgery some patients will have a feeling of tightness in the upper arm as the area swells due to the trauma of surgery. Some patients may develop swelling and some tingling of the hands as well. Most of these symptoms resolve with time.

What type of anesthesia will be used for arm lift surgery?

Most arm lifts are performed under a general anesthetic. It is important that the facility that the procedure is performed in is an accredited facility where the type of anesthesia utilized is allowed.

What if I have more questions?

The Before and After Arm Lift Photo Gallery is available here. You may contact The Cosmetic Surgery Clinic at any time if you have questions or concerns: (519) 746-1132.

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